We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. ~Isaiah 64:8

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The day ahead and some feast days

Feast day of St John Cassian 
(about whom I am pretty ignorant)

And today is Leap Year!  Happy Birthday to all you Leap Year babies!  So, does poor John Cassian only get remembered every 4 years?

The day ahead should be a busy one.  Artemisia has her CC meeting today, but the boys are on Spring Break.  There is a large box that needs to be shipped to a homeschool friends in Canada.  I am meeting a young man about potentially teaching my Advanced Math seminar in next year's Challenge 3 class.  Then there is a baby shower and wedding to get ready for this weekend...and my Lively Literary reading group is meeting this Friday to discuss Euripides' The Bacchae, which I need to finish reading.  And Dear Neighbor and her family are coming over this Friday!  We are SO excited ... it has been far too long since we saw them.

And then there is the laundry.  I have, literally, piles of clean (at least it is CLEAN) laundry in my room waiting to be put away.  This is my Achilles heel.  Why is it so hard? I can wash it, dry it, and even fold it...but putting it away eludes me.

The flag of St. David of Wales
Did you know that tomorrow is St. David's Feast Day?  Well, it is!  We are having Welsh Rarebit for dinner (I've no idea if this is a truly Welsh dish or not, but it is the best I can do!)...and I am going to find some daffodils to put on the table.  Apparently, leeks are his personal symbol, so a leek soup might be good, too.

Any other ideas for celebrating St. David's day?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

If you are new here...

Welcome!  Abandoning an already "established" blog could be risky, but it was just time to consolidate all my blogging efforts in one place.  I do hope many of the Ten O'Clock Scholar readers will make their way over and subscribe by hitting that "RSS" button to the right.

I'm still doing some construction here, so I thank you in advance for your patience!

If you are a Ten O'Clock Scholar reader, poke around and you'll find almost all of the posts from that blog here plus many others from Potter's Shed and my commonplace book blog.   Conversly, if you've been reading The Potter's Shed, you will notice some new posts from A Ten O'Clock Scholar.

I'm so glad you've followed my move through cyber-space!