We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. ~Isaiah 64:8

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Aldous Huxley on holiday

***Because my son and some of his young friends occassionally read this blog, I'm putting this disclaimer here: the content of this post may be unsuitable for children. Please, if you are under 18, have your parents read this (and the links) first. Thank you!***

The new travel slogan for Norway has been announced:

"Norway, it's a Brave New World"

Didn't hear that?

Well, that is because I made it up...but it certainly would fit. Here is an excerpt from Huxley's book, Brave New World:

"That's a charming little group," he said, pointing.

In a little grassy bay between tall clumps of Mediterranean heather, two children, a little boy of about seven and a little girl who might have been a year older, were playing, very gravely and with all the focussed attention of scientists intent on a labour of discovery, a rudimentary s**ual game.

"Charming, charming!" the D.H.C. repeated sentimentally.


From a neighboring shrubbery emerged a nurse, leading by the hand a small boy, who howled as he went. An anxious-looking little girl trotted at her heels.

"What's the matter?" asked the Director.

The nurse shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing much," she answered. "It's just that this little boy seems rather reluctant to join in the ordinary e**tic play...And so I'm taking him in to see the Assistant Superintendent of Psychology. Just to see if anything's at all abnormal."


For a very long period before Our Ford, and even for some generations afterwards, erotic play between children had been regarded as abnormal (there was a roar of laughter); and not only abnormal, actually immoral (no!): and had therefore been rigorously suppressed.

A look of astonished incredulity appeared on the faces of his listeners. Poor little kids not allowed to amuse themselves? They could not believe it.

Like I said, it would fit.

hat tip: Stand Firm

1 comment:

DebD said...

Oh dear...thats pretty scary.