Daybook, or perhaps Nightbook, for November 3rd, 2009
outside my window . . .
The night has fallen suddenly. It will take a few days for me to get used to the earlier sunsets.
in the kitchen . . .
around the house . . .
My laundry is seriously starting to pile up.
from our studies . . .
We finished House of the Sixty Fathers today. Such a sad, sweet story. The last word: The heart understands without words. Proud of eldest son (DS 13) who made a great effort with his Logic this week . . . my brain hurts, though. Middle son (DS 10) loves perimeter - I'm thinking I can sneak in some addition practice with perimeter problems. Middle daughter (DD7) is making great strides in reading!
thinking about . . .
introverts and the church - how modern evangelicalism's extroversion tends to look on introverts as less spiritual.
listening to. . .
my kids experimenting with a tin can "phone" - although I think they've given up on the phone part and are just knocking it around the house.
thankful for. . .
that crockpot chicken - I was under the weather today and not having to cook was a lifesaver.
pondering the words . . .
You do not realize the value of the good you are doing. Think of how the farmer sows without seeing his crop in front of him. He trusts in the land to deliver his harvest. So why don't you put your trust in God? The day of the harvest will surely come.Imagine yourself in the middle of the planting season. The more we sow today, the more we can reap tomorrow. Remember those words of Holy scripture: "He that goes forth weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him" (Ps 125:6).
reading . . .
Flannery O'Connor: The Complete Stories, Lost to the West, and still the Divine Comedy
kids are reading: Wind in the Willows, Children's Homer, Pocahontas and the Strangers, The Dawn Treader, The Lord of the Rings, and just finished H
ouse of the Sixty Fathers.
creating . . .
trying to finish up some hats . . . just haven't found the time, yet! But at least now I have a wonderful yarn tote from my friend, Julie, to carry my project around with me.
one of my favorite things . . .
My mini rolling oil heater. It takes the chill off our bathroom on these early fall and winter is so toasty warm!
milestones in the past week . . .
Baby L has 4 teeth coming in, that is a total of 6 teeth!
a few plans for the upcoming week . . .
Going to see a show at our Children's Theatre on Thursday, and African music and dance show!
a picture thought. . .

Youngest daughter (DD1), aka Baby L, and I enjoying a giggle and a box of dots.
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