We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. ~Isaiah 64:8

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I really am a slow-learner

and random photos from the last month. . .

So, I'm not at all sure about this new blogger format.  (I know you may have no idea what I'm talking about...but a lot of my blog readers are bloggers themselves.)  If you blog on Blogger, have you tried out the new format for your dashboard?  Not liking it one bit.

Maybe it will grow on me . . .

Our fun-to-drive Datsun had a good summer.  Soon it will be time to put her up for the winter.

My cats are tearing around the house this morning.  I have no idea what has gotten them so wound up.  It certainly isn't the catnip we bought for them.  Faramir needed to do a report for Challenge A (Classical Conversations - homeschool group) on herbs.  Of course, he chose catnip, and  we bought some so he could videotape the cats and share with his class.  Do you know our weird cats were Totally Uninterested?  All three of them!

Well, one of them sniffed it a little bit, but that was it.  Weird cats.

I spent a couple days making Fig Jam; 32 jars of it!  I do hope my friends like Fig Jam.

How is your school year going this year?  (Homeschool or otherwise)  It has been challenging to juggle all 4 levels: high school, middle school, elementary, and preschool.  Although, I don't really believe in preschool homeschooling, so I'm not sure that counts.  Yet, somehow, despite my best efforts Not To Teach Her, Kalliope has managed to learn to count to 5 and name most of the colors of the rainbow.  Except indigo.  And violet...she just says, "Purple."

You know I jest when I say I tried not to teach her, right?  I just mean I haven't done anything formal.  I really am astounded by what she has picked up.  Maybe this is not surprising.  Maybe I've totally forgotten what most three year-olds should know?

Our first day of school is always celebrated with an ice cream
dinner.  This year I made Lucky Charm Treat (like Rice Krispie
treats) ice cream sandwiches.  Too sweet for me, but the kids
loved them!

Athos, Faramir, and Artemisia are thriving in their CC groups and their studies at home, although they each have their challenges.  Athos is with a totally new group in Challenge 2, but has enjoyed getting to know some new people (being the "new kid" again was daunting).  Faramir, while not totally being the "new kid", has blossomed despite being known as "Athos' younger brother".  And Artemisia is back in class with the same kids she's known since she was 4!

Something I've learned in the past couple of years:  the person teaching your child might be one of the Most Important aspects of her education (duh, right?).  Being able to have complete control over that is another strength of homeschooling.

It has only taken me 8 years to learn that.

Nothing like a well-built firepit to welcome in the autumn chill!

Monday, September 19, 2011

That elderly dogwood tree outside my window

After a long hard season, my elderly dogwood tree has lovely red berries popping out on the branches.  This is wonderful!  We were not sure this old, gnarled and knobbled tree would make it through the construction process.  There were a few, a very few, blooms on it this spring.  That was a good sign, but not a sure sign.   However, those little red berries, not being an horticulturist I must qualify this with an "I think", are a very good sign...and maybe even a sure sign that our dogwood has indeed survived.

Not unlike this blog, perhaps?

This spring there were a few blooms here on this blog, but not enough to say for sure whether I'd keep on blogging.  Not for a lack of desire!  But for lack of energy. . . lack of time . . . and honestly, for lack of anything that felt worth saying.  Or reading.

Those last two are still to be seen, but I feel a slight invigoration.  Like an old tree that has had a long, rejuvenating summer and is now filled with just enough energy . . .  just enough to pop out this first, tiny, lone berry.