We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. ~Isaiah 64:8

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

the small things

Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.

JRR Tolkein,  The Hobbit


Paperchic said...

Hello Kerry! I was reading a post from several years ago where you combined CC and ToG. I am trying to use the CC sentences for our ToG studies and I was wondering if you had done the same thing with Cycles 2 & 3 and had them saved on your computer somewhere? Would you share if you do? Thank you so much! Heather

Kerry said...

Hi, Heather! Thanks for commenting! I no longer have any of the TOG/CC combination files. I'm about to graduate my first student from homeschool, and he's one who went through CC from 6th grade to 11th (no Challenge 4 in our community). As we've continued through our CC journey, I've discovered the adequacy of the CC program as it stands...and have begun to feel it wrong to try to combine two programs that are as intense as both CC and TOG. Both are good for different reasons...but to try to combine them is, in my opinion, in appropriate and unnecessary.

Instead, I've tried just finding quality children's books (literature and nonfiction) to read with my younger kids (I have a 5 year old just starting CC!). I find that this allows us time to savor and enjoy the books...and while they "correspond" to our CC year, I do not worry at all if they are read within the same week or even month as the matching history sentence.

Your CC Foundations Director should have a file she can share with recommended reading for each Cycle year. (They may only have the current year.)

Perhaps I could post a list of the books we are reading this year. :)
