We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. ~Isaiah 64:8

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back to School

Summer is over and school is officially back in session. Monday was our first day and had a few "bumps". But, Tuesday we got into our "groove" and had a much better day.

Today is the first day of Classical Conversations for S. (Classical Conversations - also called CC or just "Classical" - is a once a week all day class. We then build the rest of our curriculum on those lessons for the other four days of the week.) S is now in the "Challenge" program which is for middle school and high school. The other kids' CC classes don't start until the beginning of September.

Tomorrow S and his grandmother leave for a 10-day trip to Sweden. I hate that he'll miss a week of CC and be a bit behind when he gets home. We tried to schedule this earlier in the summer, but just couldn't for a number of reasons. But that is one reason we homeschool: for flexibility to take advantage of great opportunities like this!

The photo is Erik starting the school day off with us reading a story from the Bible.

Updated to add these photos from S's departure!

They all had to sit together in the back of the van.

And then saying good-bye to big brother at the airport. (I think he's giving them a few words of advice.)

Ok, I'm all ready to go!

And they are OFF!

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