We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. ~Isaiah 64:8

Friday, January 1, 2010

Scholar's Year in Review: 2009

I pray that this new year brings each of you peace, hope, joy and love in abundance!

I enjoying looking back over my year as I plan ahead for the new one and in doing that I really enjoy reviewing my blog. Here are some of my favorite posts from the past year:

A Family Epiphany Celebration
Our chalking the door tradition has become a favorite for our family.

Hello from Accra, Ghana!
My only post from February, but I don't think I could have improved on this one anyway.

An Unexpected Lent
My extended stay in Africa becomes an unexpected, but appropriate Lent.

Pacifier Giggly-Girl
But this laugh made it ALL worth it.

7 Books for Prospective Homeschoolers
Considering homeschooling (or know someone who is?) - here is my list of great books to help you as you get started.

Quiverfull Questions
Some thoughts on the Quiverfull movement.

Pentecost: Reignite your Fire!
My thoughts on Pentecost and the Church this year.

Summer is Here!
Typical for me...deciding the start summer break on a whim - and some photos!

Ideas for memory work
Sharing some of what we do for memory work.

Baby L says Daddy and Doggie
She's just so cute.

Life and Land
Read The Good Earth by Pearl S Buck. Read Life is a Miracle by Wendell Berry. Loved both. Wrote about them.

First Day of Homeschooling
with photos!

Obama Meets Wordle
I love Wordle.

Embracing All Hallow's Eve

Anglican Advent Carnival

On Year Ago Today
Baby L - the first photo and today

In the Early Morning Light

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