We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. ~Isaiah 64:8

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Adoption News! UPDATED

Wow - I've been an absentee-blogger, haven't I? Well, I do have a good reason...NESTING! I've been in pretty heavy nesting mode and we just got news today and expect more tomorrow that could throw it into serious overdrive:


Tomorrow morning at 9AM (Ghana time, that is 4am EST) our petition for adoption goes to court in Ghana! We are praying for everything to go smoothly and for the judge to issue a "favorable opinion" on a final adoption decree.

My stomach is in knots - I've no idea how I'll ever get to sleep tonight. My husband has suggested wine, lots of wine. I'm not even sure *that* would do it.

I'll post in the evening (we are out of the house all day tomorrow) with any news. Thank you for your prayers!

UPDATE: Our adoption was GRANTED!! We are the parents of a new little sister! We'll be making travel plans soon, so I'm sure blogging will be a bit spotty between now and the time we return. Pray for us to be able to bring her home on the first trip (if all our documents are ready for the US Embassy, we should be able to do that!).

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Amy said...

I am SO excited for you!

DebD said...

This is so exciting. I can't wait until the next update.

Jamie said...

You know what? I'd take a couple of Benedryl myself. Or maybe Advil PM. Because you're right -- no one can sleep on news like that! Can't wait to read your next update. Yippee!

School for Us said...

Congratulations!!! I'll say a prayer that everything goes smoothly... and quickly!

Dana said...

Oh, I am so excited for you! I pray all goes quickly and smoothly...and enjoy the traveling and new little girl!

Brittney said...

That is fantastic news! Congratulations!