We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. ~Isaiah 64:8

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Our Entry Visas for Ghana came today!

On Saturday, among many other things, including a surprise baby shower, we prepared and submitted our application for an entry visa to the Embassy of Ghana in Wash., DC. This required passport photos (x4), airline ticket itineraries, bank statements, our passports, and a money order be sent to the Embassy. We overnighted the package on Saturday for a Monday morning delivery and included a pre-paid, FedEx return envelope. Our hope was to get it back by Friday...and guess what...IT CAME TODAY!

A friend of ours was able to talk with a friend of his in the Ghana Embassy who was willing to walk our application through the process. We did pay for expedited processing, but that was way beyond our expectations!

Our departure date is getting closer and closer!

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